I was able to go see the specialist and they told me my blood sugars were looking great. That is where I also found out that baby Adalynn is growing really well! A little too well for my sake.. At 33 weeks she was weighing 5lbs 15oz. 34 weeks, 6lbs 5oz and our last appointment was 35.5 weeks and she was 6lbs 12oz! I am now 36 weeks and nervous that I wont be able to get this baby out on my own if I go full term! As of a few days ago, she was in the 71% for her weight and the specialist told me that if i go full term she will be well over 9lbs according to the measurments through the ultrasound. For my first baby, thats a little scary! What I am most afraid of is going through labor for hours and hours and then having to go into an emergency c-section because I couldnt do it on my own. Two weeks ago I had an appointment with my OB and I saw a different Dr. than I normally do but that was the week we wanted to ask about being induced a little early. When we asked, the Dr said inducing makes labor harder and I dont believe anyone should get induced unless totally necessary. So in my case, I was not going to get induced. That didnt calm my mind in the slightest. Luckily, we have an appointment every week and the next week we learned the real plan. After we had our appointment our normal Dr says okay well the plan is still the same, we will induce you at week 39 and go from there. Jared and I look at each other in confusion, wait what? We were told that I wouldnt be induced unless something was wrong? Dr says well because of the Gestational Diabetes, we wont let you go any further than week 39. Jared and I still looking at each other in shock and say well, okay then.. it was funny how knowing that she would be here no later than March 21st was scarier than just waiting for me to go into labor on my own. But it brought a little more comfort knowing that she will be one week smaller! I still secretly hope that she will get here before then on her own..
I am so ready. So ready to have my body back, to be able to move and sleep any way that I want, run, play soccer! My body hurts. At the end of the day Im ready to just sit and do nothing. But now is the time that I should be walking and walking to get this going! Its a lot harder said than done. Now what Im not necessarily ready for is having a baby! Ready or not, she will be here in three weeks!
In the past week, I have had two baby showers. One was a complete surprise. Jareds co-workers threw us a baby shower Friday, I could not believe all the gifts they spoiled us with! They really went through a lot of effort to make it special for us. I was so grateful for the love and support they have showed through talking with Jared through adventures of becoming a new dad and the perfect shower. Then Tuesday I had Activity days with my girls. They threw me a surprise shower! I was SHOCKED to say the least. I really had NO idea. This was my last week because of the baby coming and I was so touched how much all of them care so much. Each of them participated in some way, bringing food, decorations, and planning the games. They were all so excited to show me what they had done or given me. It was so sweet! i felt like a big fat jerk because all day I had been laying around because my head was hurting and I was so close to calling and saying I couldnt come when here they were all getting there early to put it all together for me. I have only been teaching them for a few months and I didnt think we had spent enough time together for them to even care. But as I mentioned before I was truly touched.
Its amazing how many people love and care about Jared and I when we have known them for so little time. Im overwhelmed with gratitude.
I cant wait to see this little girl and see all of my family when that time comes! 3 weeks and counting...
Love ya cute girl!! The unknown is scary:) but you will d.o amazing. Someone is watching over you and I can't wait to see that munchkin.