Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A little background..

Our first date weekend at Monte Sano

I decided it was about time to start this blog with our new arrival coming so soon! I just dont know where to start.. A little background on Jared and I, we met at a YSA conference. That sounds so silly! But its true, neither of us cared to go to these conferences but I guess it was meant to be that we both just so happened (were forced) to be at this one.
If you ask him, he will say that I was the one who started it all because he was just so irresistible. Partly true, we were at a service project and he was the last person working! I felt bad seeing him work all alone so I went over to offer him some help. We were tending to the gardens at a shelter and what does he say to me you ask? "Oh good, I've been looking for a good hoe" yep, thats him! I suppose he caught me with that goofy line. After that it was kind of a whirlwind, from dating, to engaged, to married all in a matter of months.

After the wedding I moved to Fort Rucker Alabama with Jared while he finished flght school. Boy was that an adjustment. I loved being married! But it was difficult going from my parents house with family and friends all around, and a job that kept me pretty busy, to being a full-time at home wife! I didnt know what to do with myself, I looked for a job but after a short time gave up because once Jared finished school we were off to Virginia! So I started cleaning, cooking, crocheting and trying not to let myself go crazy! I was so excited to move when the time came not only because we were going on our official honeymoon to Austrailia/New Zealand, but I could finally start to do something like school or work or anything but being home all the time!

Plans quickly changed once I started getting the feeling that our plan to start a family after I finished school wasnt quite the right plan. Jared is a planner, we make a plan and he is really more comfortable sticking to it. He is also very strong willed. SO! A man with a plan and a very strong mind? Hard to change.. At first, I gradually started talking to him about what I was feeling. He might have thought that I was baby hungry because I was a bored house wife who needed something to do... I started to think the same thing! But I still had that nagging feeling in the back of my mind that waiting until I finished school was too long, especially on Sundays when we were sitting there in Sacrament meeting the feeling was even stronger. I kept bringing it up to Jared and we would talk/argue and then drop it because we would get no where. Jared finshed flight school and thats where everything started to get complicated..We had to grow up!


  1. I am so proud of you doing a blog! It is fun to hear from your perspective those things I have watched you go through. You will treasure doing this. Keep it up! Love you all!

  2. It's good to hear from you I hope all goes well for you.Were going through the same things and it's just good to hear another take on things and another baby story.
