Thursday, February 7, 2013

Everything happens at once!

Our trip to Destin

Once Jared graduated we took a short vacation to Destin with his family. We got home and packed up! It was overwhelming to say the least. We didn't know where we were moving all we knew is that we needed to be in Virginia in May so Jared could start flying with his unit and we were leaving on our honeymoon in a few days! Our plan was to move all of our stuff into a storage unit in VA while we went to New Zealand/Australia and when we got back, I would fly home to Alabama with my family and Jared would fly back to VA and start working away and search for our new home.


Side note: We chose to go to New Zealand on our official honeymoon because the first day we met we started talking about places we wanted to travel and since Jared had traveled everywhere already, New Zealand was the place he decided he would take me because neither of us had been there. So when we got married there wasnt a more perfect place to go!

We get back from our fairytale vacation and the real world hits us. We have no home, we dont know when we will see each other next since Jared was living in the barracks temporarily while we were searching for a place. I stayed with my family for a few weeks and decided it was time to head to Pennsylvania to stay with my sister Kelsey and her family while we were really buckling down on buying a house, which was so much fun. It was about a 4 hour drive to DC where Jared was staying and where our potential home could be.
The baby talk still happened during this whole time. We were both overwhelmed and starting a family was the last thing on Jareds mind at this point, which is very understandable. If we didnt have houses to look at during the weekend, Jared would come stay with me at Kelseys for a few days before he had to be back at work. One weekend, I brought up starting a family again. He wanted me to tell him why I all of the sudden changed my mind, why I felt the way that i did, what my plan was. My answers? I don't know.. its just how I'm feeling. It was then that I realized, guys don't understand why changing our whole world on a "feeling" is reasonable or logical. It just doesn't make sense to them, there needs to be solid reasoning as to why we should change our plans (which makes it difficult to determine whether its you that just wants a baby because you have baby fever or because you really are being prompted that its time).
We continued to converse (argue) back and forth and tears were definitely flowing. In the end, we both said we would pray about it, I would start school, and we would go from there. I agreed and we moved on. The next day I was DYING! No, not because I wanted a baby, I was literally dying. I was so sick, I had a headache where I couldnt even open my eyes, I had NO energy, my throat was killing me and I just wanted to lay in bed all day and DIE. I refused to go to the Doctor and decided to take some medicine and go to bed in hopes that I would feel better the next day. I really thought it could only get better from there, I WAS WRONG. I was worse the next day. It took all I had to drag myself to the Dr. I got there and they sat me in a room, ran some tests and left my room for an eternity. A good hour later they walked in the room after I had fallen asleep on the bed and announced "YOUR PREGNANT!" I say what? The Dr repeats "you're actually pregnant". Whats the next thing I say? "OH SHOOT." yep. thats the first thing that came out of my mouth when I found out we were going to have a baby! In my defense, I was worried about what Jared was going to say because not two days earlier we were going to wait until we really prayed about it and I started school in VA.Turns out at that point I was already 4 weeks along. I was in shock. I drove as quickly as I could to the store and bought myself a few pregnancy tests because the Dr determining that I was pregnant just wasnt good enough. I took all three tests before I decided it was time to tell my sweet husband.
I kept all three tests, bought a daddy card and a babys first year book and headed to VA to give him the surprising/exciting news. When I got there we immediately went out to the museum to meet some friends and the whole time I am going crazy wanting to hurry him up so we could go back to his room and I could tell him everything. I dont hide things well so it was a good thing that I was getting over this sickness so I could blame my weirdness on that. Finally, we get back and I didnt know what to do or say so I just go to my purse and hand him everything as he was sitting there watching TV. He looks down and looks back up at me and just smiles, hugs and kisses me. He was just as surprised as I was! But, he was very excited. Yes a million things started running through his mind like, we dont have a house to put this baby in, kenzie hasnt started school or work, I just started work, and so on.. I would say it was an overwhelmingly exciting day.
While I was in PA I looked for an OBGYN and scheduled an appointment as soon as I could because the first doctor and the three positive tests just wasnt good enough to believe.

There she is! Our sweet baby in her first Sonogram!
We settled on a house shortly after that. Started moving in and fixing it up. I found a new job and we decided I would wait to start school again until after the baby arrives. Talk about starting a whole new life all at once!
The morning sickness wasnt too bad unless I didnt eat enough or I tried painting. The smell made me sick! But I could eat anything I normally did and have been able to eat normally. The pregnancy has been smooth so far. She has always measured slightly bigger than average and I have had absolutely NO problem gaining weight. Week 28 is when you have the Glucose screening test and thats where we hit a little bump in the road. After two different tests it was determined that I was one of the unlucky ones who has Gestational Diabtes. I was immediately sent to s specialist where they told me to change my diet and test my blood sugar 4 times a day! I was a little upset when I found out. I kept thinking "this pregnancy couldnt have just been perfect. Something just had to go wrong." I was mostly upset because i thought I had been pretty healthy and I will admit I could exercise more but I was on occasion! I felt almost as if i were failing as a mother before I even gave birth because it was  making the sweet baby inside me work harder than she already had to! ( Yes this sounds ridiculous, I blame it on the hormones.) As i read more about Gestational Diabetes, I found that its genetic. There is not a thing I could have done to prevent it, that brought some comfort. Thankfully, since I have been testing 4 times a day I have had completely normal levels. So much so that I almost feel like I want to go retake the test to pass the stinkin thing so I can stop poking myself with a needle every single day! But, I have to remember to be grateful for the advances in medicine to help monitor this seemingly silly condition. I go to the specialist next week and I still I hope they tell me I can stop testing so much! I am grateful for my husband and for the love, patience and support he has given me throughout this whirlwind of a year. (yes I have become even more of a crazy person since pregnancy) I am now 33.5 weeks, I am terrified for whats to come but I cannot wait to have this sweet baby in our arms.
32 weeks

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