Thursday, May 2, 2013

She's here!

I think I have waited long enough to adjust and get settled to start this entry! Some of you know this story, most probably dont. I feel like I have told it a MILLION times but I should probably write it down.
I really wish I had more of a smooth delivery..I did end up having an emergency C section but we will get to that.
First off, my scheduled induction was changed to 4pm rather than 5am on March 21st WITHOUT US KNOWING. No one informed us at all until I went in for my last visit two days prior! I was pretty furious to be honest. We had problems throughout my whole pregnancy with this Drs office communicating with us and this just pushed me over the edge. Looking back, it was so silly because it was just twelve hours difference but I broke down. Called my mom bawling and she just listened and told me it will all work out. I knew it would, I just wanted it to go as planned!
My mom arrived the day before we went in. It was so good to have her here knowing she had been through this a million (6) times already! All I needed was my Husband and my mom there and I was set. At this point I was anxious and terrified. This was actually about to happen! Then suddenly, I wasnt so ready to push this baby out.. maybe we should wait a little longer to have kids and keep it just Jared and I for a little longer! I knew that obviously wasnt realistic but it might have been in the back of my mind..

On our way into the hospital! (don't mind my face..)

When the day came my mom and I had to fill the day to keep me occupied so we went shopping of course! Time flew by! Jared beat us home (he went to work for half a day) and when we got home he had most everything ready to go waiting by the door! I think he was starting to get more anxious than I was... We get to the hospital, check in, I get in the lovely robe, get in bed, the nurses come and set me up with all the monitors and I think hey, this will go by fast! I was wrong..We spent the next few hours sitting there, waiting for the Dr to come and put in the Cervidil. FINALLY the Dr comes and places the Cervidil and it was time! In reality it was time to sit around and try and get some sleep.
Though the nurses told me its not common that Cervidil starts labor, I was one of the minority, I guess! I started getting crampy and I could tell something was going on! About an hour after the Cervidil was placed, the babys heart rate dropped and the nurses come rushing in to tell me the monitor moved and it wasnt reading her heart rate so they needed to move it. This happened a few more times over the next few hours so the Dr made the decision to take the Cervidil out and we would wait until the morning to break my water and start the Pitocin. Around 4am I got up to use the bathroom and my water broke all by itself! It was a weird feeling. I just thought I wasnt able to hold my bladder but when I got to the toilet, my bladder was still full! I just laughed and told the nurses.
I slowly started contracting on my own, it was pretty painless at this point. After a restless night, the Dr came in and started the Pitocin. Adalynn didnt seem to like the Pitocin either, her heart rate dropped a few times while I was on it as well so after a couple hours Dr stopped the Pitocin. I continued Laboring on my own and at this point the contractions were strong and painful but I wanted to wait as long as I could before I got the Epidural. I took some pain medicine and was able to sleep for about an hour before it wore off and I was in PAIN again. I gave in and requested the Epidural. My mom had to leave because I could only have one person in the room. It was more painful than I thought it would be! Jared had to hold my shoulders down at one point because I kept flinching. My left side numbed just a little bit slower than my right. I felt the first contraction on my left side and not on my right, once the second contraction hit, I was in Heaven. Though it didnt last long, since her heart rate kept dropping the Dr decided it was best to put a fetal heart rate monitor (which attaches to her scalp inside) and shortly after that they realized her heart rate really was dropping so I was rolled over to my side, then the other side, then I was given and oxygen mask and put on my hand and knees rocking back and forth to keep her heart semi-happy. During this time the Dr informed me it was time for a C section.I cried as my Dr told me and assured me everything would be ok. I never doubted that, I just did NOT want to have a c section.. but whatever we needed to do to get her here safely. 
Though I was being informed what was going on as they were rolling me from side to side, Jared on the other hand was left in the dark. From his point of view, all of the sudden he was yelled at to get the scrubs on and go and find my mom to tell her we were going in for a C section.
when I got to the O.R they gave me the morphine and started the incision asking me if I could feel it, YES. What does it feel like they said "it feels like I'm being stabbed!" If you remember from before, my left side numbed slower with the epidural... well it did the same thing with the morphine! They had already made the incision when Jared came in being told "DONT TOUCH ANYTHING BLUE, GO STRAIGHT TO YOUR CHAIR, SIT DOWN AND HOLD HER HAND" (yes he felt like they yelled at him again) so he did as he was told and I was relieved to see him but I could still feel some on my left side. They were inside me at this point! I kept saying ow, ow and they kept telling me it was just pressure. UHH, NO. Thanks for trying to convince me otherwise though..i knew i wasnt feeling everything but what i was feeling wasnt just pressure. Pretty soon they were jumping on my stomach trying to get Adalynn out and for some reason had a little trouble so the pressure seemed to last forever. I looked over to Jared as they are jumping on me and tell him "I'm going to throw up" the nurse behind me says, "calm down, just breathe.." I say "NO, I AM GOING TO THROW UP" Luckily she actually listend to me then because as soon as she gave the tiny bowl to Jared, I hurled. Right in his face. I felt so bad! Here I was laying with my guts out, and vomiting right in my poor husbands face. Good thing he loves me.
She FINALLY arrived.  
I don't remember much after that. I want to remember them bringing my sweet baby over to me for the first time but I only remember bits and pieces for the next few hours. The medicine hit me so strong and all at once it seemed. I already have a very low tolerance for pain medicine and since I kept saying i was in pain, they kept pumping me with more. By the time they wheeled me to the recovery room, I was passed out. This is when they needed to check Adalynns blood sugar levels because  sometimes when the mother has gestational diabetes, the baby has a hard time regulating their sugar levels at first. When they checked her she was at a 31 (i believe) and she needed to be above a 45 (my numbers may be off but this is what i remember) so i needed to nurse her right away to get her sugar level higher but how was i supposed to do that when i couldnt keep my eyes open if i tried. I couldnt even lift my arms or feel anything from the neck down! Never fear, my husband and mom didnt hesitate to jump in and nurse Adalynn. So between the two of them and the lactation specialist telling them how, they were able to get her to nurse enough to bring her sugars back up to normal, all the while trying to wake me up enough where I could try on my own. I was just unresponsive. I remember answering them in my head but I couldnt seem to spit it out or open my eyes to let them know I was hearing what they were saying. This is when my mom was really starting to worry. She says I just looked comatose. Because she knew of my low tolerance for medicine she mentioned something to the nurses and they had to give me a shot of ephedrine to give me a little boost. Shortly after that I was at least able to keep my eyes open!

Recovery from then on was thankfully, very quick for me. The first couple of days were rough of course but after that I was pretty mobile and trying to be independent. My mom was able to spend the next week with us to help and then Jareds mom stayed and helped the week after. All the help was amazing and exactly what I needed. Since both sides of the family were here the week after she was born that is when we decided to have her blessing, even though it was crazy and overwhelming, I'm so glad we had some memebers of both families! It was wonderful.

Luckily, I have an awesome sister who helped find Adalynns beautiful blessing dress a day or two before her blessing.. yeah i dropped the ball on that one. I was too focused on getting the house and everything else ready, I didnt even think about a dress! But Kelsey worked it all out and found us 5! I had a whole rack to choose from. I was so thankful!
And its been down hill from there! Sort of... learning how to become a mom is different than I was expecting. I knew it would be hard. But its much harder! I thought I knew a good enough amount but I'm learning how little I actually know as the days go on! The lack of sleep isnt the hard part for me. Its the not being able to solve the problem when the baby is crying or fussy. Thats the hard part so far. The more I read, the more I realize babies sometimes just cry. WHY?! We will never know. We just have to help them get through it!
Jared is the amazing daddy I knew he was going to be. Even the nurses from the hospital kept saying he deserved the Dad of the year award because he wanted to jump in and help with everything, and he still does. I am so grateful for my family who helped me through the first couple of weeks and especially for my husband who is still helping me through the tough days! We have been so blessed and seeing Adalynns sweet smile makes all the craziness totally worth it.


  1. You are the awesome mommy we all knew you would be. Give yourself credit, your little family is a great match!

  2. Love this!! Keep them coming!

  3. Ah this takes me back to my delivery! My little guy had the same heart dropping issue so i had to have a C- section too! I cant imagine feeling it..the pressure was weird enough! Oh.. and to make you feel better I also puked practically on my husband :) So glad everything turned out ok. She is beautiful!

  4. I love that you have this in writing. Someday you can show Adalynn exactly what she put you through! :-) enjoy your little girlie and the learning curve your going through right now.just know that we all were there once, you'll be a pro in no time!

  5. I love that you have this in writing. Someday you can show Adalynn exactly what she put you through! :-) enjoy your little girlie and the learning curve your going through right now.just know that we all were there once, you'll be a pro in no time!
