Thursday, August 22, 2013

5 1/2 months already?

Time has FLOWN by. I cant believe my sweet Adalynn is 5 months and two weeks this Friday! She has definitely been an amazing gift and though its been hard at times, I could not be more grateful for my baby girl.
So, remember when I was talking about Adalynn crying all the time and not knowing what to do and babies just cry.. Turns out she had colic AND reflux.. yeah that was a rough few months. I look back and think about how much she was spitting up and I laugh at myself for not knowing any better. She was soaking at least one burp cloth EVERY TIME she fed.  It got really bad right before we went to Alabama for my family reunion so I made a last minute appointment to see the pediatrician the day  before we left. Luckily the Dr asked enough questions to figure out the reflux issue and prescribed medicine that helped right away with the issue. The first few weeks of giving the medicine to her was really hard, it is NASTY and made her gag and cry, which would make me cry.. So at first I avoided giving it to her myself, I would dish it off to my mom or husband. Dont worry, Im tough now, I can do it all by myself! Thankfully around three months she grew out of her colic. She is such a happy baby!
A few weeks later she stopped wanting to eat. EVER. At first I was really worried and everyone kept telling me she will eat when she is hungry, she will eat when she is hungry.. Well. not my Adalynn. If she didnt want to eat, she was NOT going to eat, darnit. There were days when she would go 8 hours and be totally fine. I, on the other hand was not! This has been my stressor ever since. Some days she eats normal, some days she refuses. But she is still a happy baby mostly! Even when she is not eating...
Though she is very small for her age in weight, she is developing mentally and physically very well. We started her on rice cereal at month 4
She HATED it. We couldnt get her to eat any of it at first, she would just cry as soon as it hit her mouth. So we moved on to Oatmeal cereal and she took to it right away. Even now, I bought a pears, apple and rice cereal and she wont eat it even though she loves fruit. I dont know what it is about that rice cereal but at least we know she does not like it!
We have hit some major milestones thus far! She started rolling at month 4.
She went to the pool for the first time and loved the water! Dad wants to teach her how to swim already but it makes me a little nervous. I know its good to start when they are little but I worry about ear infections, her being traumatized. You know, the usual.
Jared used to teach swim lessons, I know he knows what he's doing..I still worry.
She has fallen in love with Daisy, and Daisy is starting to love her back. Daisy is still a little weary partially because of me, when she was brand new I kept Daisy away from her because she just wanted to be in her face all the time, can you imagine how many germs are on that nose and mouth of hers! Butt germs, poo germs, whatever dead thing she just ate germs... GROSS. No thank you. But now I cant say no, Adalynn loves her too much. She belly laughs when she gets in her "play with me" stance.
Blurry, but you get the idea.
I dont know what it is about her tongue lately, but she loves to stick it out. Its too adorable. I think its even more adorable because its totally her Dads tongue. I have a tiny tongue that I can barely stick out of my mouth and here comes Adalynn with her cute little tongue and flared nose showing me up. So. Cute.
She turned five months and has really been wanting to be mobile, she tries so hard. She just wants to be a big girl. We havent got the crawling down yet, but we have the sitting up all by herself down so thats a start!
Somebody told  Jared, "dont teach her how to drink from your cups because thats all she will want to do!" Well, we taught her how to drink from our cups and guess what? Thats all she wants to do! She loves to drink water! But, we love it. (I dont have a picture, we will get one soon) I cant help but smile at how big she is and how much bigger she wants to be already. 
5 months!

I just thought this was cute, drool and all..
Jared keeps saying, Im just waiting for the day when one of us drops her. That will never happen on my end! But he hasnt ever said, Im just waiting for the day when one of us sucks her foot up in the vacuum... Yep, I did that. I was holding her as I was vacuuming and in my defense, it was just the stair vacuum so it was little and did not hurt at all, maybe just scared her half to death. She cried for a second and was over it after that. And no, she is not still afraid of the vacuum. Im still kicking myself for doing it though! Poor girl.
She always keeps us smiling! Even on the rough days I am so grateful I get to stay at home with this sweet girl every day. 

1 comment:

  1. Um, you talked about her not liking rice cereal, but what you forgot to mention was our neighbor hooked us up with basically a lifetime's supply of rice cereal before we found out that she hated it...
